SeedData Newsletter

SeedData Newsletter
SeedData Newsletter
SeedData Newsletter

Issue 39 / Autumn / May 2013

Hi #subname#

Welcome to the May edition of the Specialty Seed SeedData Newsletter.
Download a Chemical Poisoning Prevention and First Aid Information PDF
The weather could certainly be described as changeable lately, 26°C one day and 10°C the next, one day snow on the southern alps the next day it's gone. Let's hope the mild conditions hang on for as long as possible.

Over the last couple of weeks I stumbled across a piece of machinery that I know will be of great interest to many farmers. Essentially it turns older drills into new drills at a much lower price. We are always looking at ways to improve the success of your pasture seed sow down and accuracy at drilling is essential.

In this month's newsletter Grant Sullivan from Field Mate will explain their E-Drive drilling system. Also in this issue we will look at winter Lucerne management, our new red clover due out in the spring and what to do in case of chemical poisoning.

Pinot Red Clover

Pinot being harvested
It's a true saying "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good" and while last summer's dry has, and still is, affected our pastoral clients it did allow for great harvest conditions including our new Pinot red clover crop.

Pinot Red Clover is an early flowering type with strong Spring and Autumn growth. This trait makes it ideal for pastures used for stock finishing and hay and silage crops. Pinot is a diploid red clover for better persistence under grazing as well.

This coming Spring we have a limited release of Pinot red clover so please get in contact with Specialty Seeds before it is all gone.

Contact Link: For more information contact Specialty Seeds.

Click here for more information on the No Escape deal

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Winter management of established Lucerne stands

Click here to download Winter Management of Lucerne
During the summer's dry period we really saw how valuable a well managed Lucerne stand can be on dryland and irrigated farms.

Winter is a very important time of year for a Lucerne stand and good management during the winter will set your stand up for the rest of the year. Click here to read ... more

Download: Download the Winter management of established Lucerne PDF.
Downloads: Go to the Downloads page for more information brochures.
Contact Link: For more information contact Specialty Seeds.

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Click here to check out Legacy Lawn Seed

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The Field Mate E Drive is here

Introducing the latest technology in seed drill rate accuracy that is now available to fit any seed drill, new / old, air seeder or conventional and roller. At an affordable price!

The Field Mate Electric Drive system works by replacing the mechanical drive system of the seed drill with an electric drive, then the required drilling rate is set into the in cab monitor which controls the motor to achieve the drills seeding rate. Drilling rates typically delivered are from 0.5kg hectare though to 400kg hectare depending on the seed drills original design in steps of .01kg.

The system allows unmatched ease when calibrating for a new seed and effortless simplicity when setting the drilling rate. In Calibration mode the motor is operated for a short time and the seed weight dispensed during calibration is entered into the monitor by the user. Next simply set the drilling rate and the motor does the rest. The motor will drive the drills coulter shaft to meter out the seed, the motor RPM is automatically computer adjusted to match the drill speed. The ability to achieve a drill rate by simply setting the monitor makes a drilling operation accurate and predicable, with better seed germination, no wasted seed and higher yields.

Benefits of the system are:
  1. No seed wasted at the headlands as the system stops dispensing material on demand, by a user or drill mounted control switch
  2. A high accuracy area meter is built in, measures to .001 hectares. Also has four inbuilt hour meters
  3. Fan speed, low seed level, twin bin control options available. This very flexible system has many more options
  4. Holds previous history of other fert and seed mixes calibration weights and drilling rates, makes getting going a little easier next time
  5. Allows older drills to have a state of art metering system, accurate drilling rate and setup at the press of a button!
  6. An optional reporting feature is available to make invoicing a breeze for contractors, research groups and crop managers
To discuss how a Field Mate E-Drive can make seed drilling simpler and more accurate, while keeping your investment in the existing drill please contact us via the contact details below:

Contact: Grant Sullivan
Cell: 021 153 5759
Office: 03 332 0305

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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:

Kind Regards

Stephen Finch / David Percival

Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand

The right match of Seed to Soil -
SeedData Newsletter

This was another informative "SeedData Newsletter" - brought to you by Specialty Seeds NZ

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