Icon Lucerne

product-icon400Type: “Semi Winter Active” 

Icon was selected on plant characteristics including improved disease and pest resistance.

Icon is a very good dual purpose hay, silage and grazing cultivar because of its resistance to grazing which it was bred for, from selections of fields grazed by sheep and cattle. Icon has low crowns that will tolerate closer grazing, particularly by sheep.

  • High yielding with strong summer growth, vigorous recovery from cutting or grazing.
  • Strong summer growth.
  • Early flowering, with excellent disease and pest resistance.
  • High leaf to stem ratio.
  • Suitable for hay, silage and high grazing tolerance.

For for more information please click here to download the Icon Flyer.

For any other enquiries on Icon please click here to contact Specialty Seeds.

Disease and Pest resistance of Icon Lucerne

Trial Results:

In a trial established in Keith South Australia in 2003, the performance of 28 varieties and elite lines were compared in an irrigated replicated field trial. The highest yielding varieties over three cuts in this trial in 2003-04 included SuperSonic. Icon was 10% higher in yield than other comparable varieties.

in 2008 both SuperSonic and Icon were placed in two trial sites in Canterbury. One irrigated site at Alysbury and a dry land site in Greendale. These trials are run by an independent company and will be conducted to the highest industry standards.

Click here for more information including Lucerne growing tips and options..